Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Same basic 80s-est boxes ticked for both songs. Aa hard core Duran Duran fan, liked The Power Station. Going with Some like it Hot

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So you had no ill will toward The Power Station, feeling as though it helped break up Duran Duran? As a big fan of DD, who was your favorite? Simon?

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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Tie between John Taylor and Nick Rhodes 💕

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That was a test, and you PASSED!🤣

Notoriously yours,


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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Tough one. Both are utterly terrible. Cheap ass production, really terrible drumming. I don't think either out-80s the other. They both represent some of the worst of 80s music.

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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Ouch! I hope Robert Palmer doesn't read this. He'll be devastated.

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So is that our first deliberate abstention? Or did you vote for one of these?


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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Well, I haven't voted yet at least.

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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

It's like the Presidential this year, man. You may not really dig either choice, but you have to cast your vote. Do you want Sly Fox determining health care policy for our nation?

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I absolutely love and appreciate that you are holding your nose and listening to this music (much of which you cannot stand) for us! Your sacrifice is noted, and will not soon be forgotten!


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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Well, you're in my wheelhouse. When people need to be told their opinions on music are wrong, I'm here to answer the call.

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Jun 30Liked by The 80s-est

Can't I just go ahead and vote for the song the winner of this match-up will face in the next round? I agree that both of these songs are very 80s, but they are also awful. If I think about which one should advance, it will get stuck in my head and I'll have to listen to something more obnoxious to get it out.

Keith - by the way, I admire that you have the guts to admit you like both of these songs, but are ashamed to admit it. I have a few of those myself... Did you nominate both of them?

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Hahaha OK, you can skip to round 2 here without voting!

Thanks for your comment--I figure anyone listening would appreciate if I am just honest about the stuff I like and dislike. The idea of trying to pretend my musical likes will make me cooler has gone out the window.

I know for a fact that I solo-nominated Sly Fox. Joe may have co-nominated The Power Station? We are going to keep better track of who nominated what for Side B.


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Jul 1Liked by The 80s-est

I finally managed to listen to the podcast.

Joe, you are a true professional. Thoughtfully listening to songs you don't like, then still having the mental aptitude to analyze, review, and discuss them is the epitome of dedication. The podcast could have been dominated by your personal tastes, but this shows the lengths to which you attempt to be unbiased.

Keith, I have to admit the sound mixing mini-seminar nudged me to vote for Some Like it Hot, but I consider each song equally worthy (or maybe unworthy). We're NOT WORTHY!! (not 80s, but close enough...).

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You did it! Speaking of dedication, as you did, thanks for your listener dedication for not just skipping the episode!! Maybe you like one of these songs more after listening to?


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Jun 29Liked by The 80s-est

I voted for Some Like It Hot because of the supergroupishness and little else. Honestly, Asia's "Heat of the Moment" should have replaced either of these and I would like to speak to the manager about a refund.

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😂 😂 Please return all downloaded podcasts to the80sest@gmail.com, and your refund will be processed forthwith!

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Jun 28Liked by The 80s-est

I begrudgingly voted for "Let's Go All the Way." The music lesson DID almost get me to vote for "Some Like It Hot" (and it's certainly the one I'd much rather listen to -- I'm with you Keith, why do I feel like I SHOULDN'T like it, but I do??). But there's something so much more 80s about All the Way....maybe finding the least smooth way to talk about ̶d̶o̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶t̶ sorry, "following your dreams" (????) -- like you're a 12-year-old boy propositioning a 25-year-old Baywatch model -- reads 80's to me?

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I love the level of emotional commitment that everyone is putting into this bracket. We wrack our brains for reasons to vote or not vote for a song. We agonize over whether our bias is influencing our decision. I try to make technical reasons for my vote, then the next show emotional, then the next show a gut feeling. It couldn't BE more inconsistent.

I love the rationale about the awkwardness of proposing coitus being an 80s trait!😂

I nominated Sly Fox for a reason, and though I convinced myself to vote The Power Station for extremely specific technical fetishes--I mean REASONS--the Sly Fox surge makes me smile, knowing it was at least a worthy nomination.

Gen, I'd also love to know, if you feel like sharing, how familiar you were with these songs prior to the show, knowing that you're a little younger than our average listener?

Appreciate your thoughtful listening!


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Jun 29Liked by The 80s-est

I think there’s only been a couple of songs thus far that I didn’t know beforehand — and they were in the movies bracket, so I think I’m at a disadvantage there because I didn’t really watch movies at all until high school.

All the rest I know pretty well. I’m not sure if I was a more music-forward kid though, possibly owing to my parents listening to music a lot, being in the car with the radio on quite a bit with an hour drive each way to school, having a squarely Gen-X sister who shared her musical tastes with me and my brother (though that was more The Cure and INXS than the Go-Gos). My first cassette tape purchase was Forever Your Girl and my first cassette single was Martika’s Toy Soldiers, so I could’ve only been 8 or 9 at the time for both of those? I’m always surprised when George has never heard of some song that’s so familiar to me — I just assume it’s because his family hated music growing up or something, but maybe I’m the weird one. 😂

Anyways, I have more specific memories associated with 90’s songs (again, except for my beloved Africa and a few of my parents’ favorites) but I definitely have an emotional sense of what “feels” 80s to me in a way that I don’t for anything from, say the 70s (that’s not disco) or the 2000s+.

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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

I thought "Super-who" was going to be followed up by "Supertramp"! But my vote is for "Let's go all the way" because it's got a jazzier tune!

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Oh I almost forgot about them! Supertramp's biggest hit, "The Logical Song" was I *THINK* from 1978 or 79? So they probably kept going into the 80s, just I was not aware of them! I love that Sly Fox is making this a contest! Thanks for voting!


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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Doctor The Power Station had me cracked up! Also got my vote

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Hey guys! My international vote goes for "Some like it hot", although I never fully understood what that phrase means! I guess I chose it because I've never up to this moment had heard about "Going all the way", although in this case I know the meaning of the phrase... I'm familiar with "Go all the way" by The Rasperries, though.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Hey, Alejandro! I did NOT know this other "All the Way" song, listening now.

Regarding the meaning of "Some Like it Hot," you sent me down an Internet rabbit hole with this. From the 1950s movie of the same name:

The title is a reference to "hot" jazz, the type of music that the all-girl band (in the movie) performs. The title figures into the story about halfway through the movie when Junior asks Sugar if she plays "that fast music... jazz?" Sugar replies, "Yeah! Real hot!", to which Junior responds, "Well, I guess some like it hot." Not sure if the phrase existed before the film or not! More research is required!

Sly Fox may be in trouble in this one, and may very well fail to "Go all the way."


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Jun 27Liked by The 80s-est

Hey Keith! Thanks for the background on the song's title. I guess The Raspberries

wouldn´t have gone all the way either!

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