Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

I had to ask Chat GPT and this is what it said:

Yes, "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora is a great example of 80s music. Released in 1985, it features many of the distinctive elements that characterize 80s pop music:

Synthesizers and Electronic Sounds: The song prominently uses synthesizers, which were a hallmark of 80s music, giving it a distinct electronic feel.

Catchy Melody: "Tarzan Boy" has an infectious melody, another common trait of 80s pop hits designed to be memorable and radio-friendly.

Danceable Rhythm: The song has an upbeat, danceable rhythm that was popular in 80s dance and pop music.

Vocal Style: The vocal style, with its clear and somewhat dramatic delivery, is typical of the era.

Production Techniques: The production of the song includes reverb and echo effects, which were widely used in the 80s to create a more polished and atmospheric sound.

Overall, "Tarzan Boy" captures the essence of 80s pop music with its electronic instrumentation, catchy hooks, and danceable beats.

I rest my case!

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Oh man, you have done it now, Alejandro! You had to bring AI into this, didn't you? You're essentially gonna "Terminator" this entire podcast, aren't you? You seemed so fun and relevant and folksy, but you turned out to be god-damned SkyNet, didn't you???

I guess Joe and I will be evading you back in our childhoods now, which will at least give us more to do in our rural paradise! Thanks for that!


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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

What can I say, my dear friend? Sometimes you just have to turn to good ol' fashioned IA or answers! But I have to tell you, "Tarzan boy" is also a "canción de cancha" just like Gloria!

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Ahhhhh I understand now! 😂 fútbol is life! ⚽️


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Jul 5Liked by The 80s-est

In this episode, I believe we all bore witness to the ‘toid becoming a verb. I believe I heard Joe say “Just ‘toid it.” History being made. Respect.

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Declaration: 'TOID is now officially all parts of speech!


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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

Can you really call yourself a fan of the song if you didn't have a copy? I have the 7" and the 12" singles.

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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

This is going to be a war between family!

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Welcome aboard, Brian! It will be interesting to see if you are able to counter the relentless accuracy of your Dr. Sister's airtight arguments! Good luck!

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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong 😆

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Jul 7Liked by The 80s-est

It's at 50/50 right now, what happens in the case of a tie? We invinte the original artists to partake in a mudwrestling event broadcast live from the factory of sadness (recently, of semi-gladness)?

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Well, Waxo, we are dealing with this exact problem right now! One of our CLOSED polls is tied! For Side B, we will build in a protocol. For now, we may put the tiebreaker method to a vote!

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Jul 7Liked by The 80s-est

You could do a ten point split, so how many of the points do you want distribute between the two. So if you really fancied one song over the other you could give it a bigger share.

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Maybe a little too much though 😆

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It's a good idea, may require a little accounting, but then, we are not an enormous podcast yet. I may use this idea or something like it! Thanks for offering an idea!


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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

Alrighty sibling rivalry here....My brother said about Tarzan Boy, "If that isn't 80s, I don't know know what is" which I was tending to agree but then the super synthy bridge in Automatic edged to Pointer Sisters for the win!

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So he joined JUST to negate your Pointer Sisters vote? That is SUCH 80s little brother sitcom behavior! 😂 At least I am not worried about you holding your own with him!


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Jul 4Liked by The 80s-est

Balance must be maintained as to not disturb the Force.

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Jul 13Liked by The 80s-est

Another tardy vote from me, but surprisingly, I was taken in by the strong case for Automatic - which honestly, I didn't even remember *was* a Pointer Sisters tune. (I think Neutron Dance is '80s-er, but anyway, my vote surprised me because I was coming in full throttle for Tarzan Boy, which it turns out is actually hard to sing in the car.)

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It was a tight contest between Automatic and Neutron Dance. The latter almost made it into the Movies Region, I think! But I think Automatic was our compromise song. There's a strong argument for Neutron Dance, for sure.


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Jul 10Liked by The 80s-est

Me, before listening: The Pointer Sisters are 80s??

Me, after listening: The Pointer Sisters ARE 80s!!

I'm a little disappointed in myself because I voted thinking I'd listened to the whole episode, then the next time I got in the car, the rest of it played and the synth orgy may have changed my mind.... (But I'll keep my vote for Tarzan Boy, based on 80's experience. I know that's not how it's supposed to work, but there it is.)

Also, why not "I'm So Excited" as The Pointer Sisters' entry?

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Well, I think the synth orgy says it all, Gen. We had at least 4 Pointer songs (I’m So Excited, Jump(For My Love), Neutron Dance, Automatic) to choose from, but I think we both had “Automatic” on the list. And it took 4 synth players, an emulator programmer, and a drum machine programmer to make this thing. But yes, I know, “I’m So Excited” was pivotal in a “very special” episode of “Saved By the Bell,” but that just was not enough to turn me.


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Jul 18Liked by The 80s-est

Man, those are all great 80s songs. I'm pretty sure all of them were in heavy rotation at the roller rink on 59 on the way to Kent. This is why you're making the brackets and not Jessie Spano.

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