Aug 14Liked by The 80s-est

I'm sure I had to have heard Automatic when I was younger but don't remember it, so there's nothing experiential or nostalgic about it for me. But hearing it now, it just brings images to my head of neon and big hair, high-top sneakers and legwarmers. Or maybe I just have some sort of 80s fashion synesthesia. Either way, Automatic gets my vote.

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There's no way to control it, Gen! This song came out when you were barely born, so I am not surprised that you missed it. I understand your vote, this was an exceptionally close one for me, even though I went the other way. I am assuming you know the Wham song?


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Aug 14Liked by The 80s-est

Oh of course I know it! Listen Without Prejudice is much more my George Michael style but WMUBYGG is classic 80s.

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Aug 13Liked by The 80s-est

While the synth is undeniable and the harmonies superior, Automatic doesn't reach the pop power or dance energy that Wham had with their song - that gives Wake Me Up...an edge. And, the hot, hip Canadian has the synth, the 80s vibe, and the win 😎

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That's a tough call on Automatic, feels like an early exit, but the power of "Wake Me Up" is undeniable. Regarding "Sunglasses," it's so 80s, that one was without hesitation for me! --Keith

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Aug 15Liked by The 80s-est

I’d also like to add for match-up #2…I would like to beat Kim Carnes with Corey’s sunglasses 😎😂

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😂 😎 —K

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Aug 15Liked by The 80s-est

To Joe, I *do* appreciate your apology re: St. Elmo’s, albeit unnecessary.

To Keith, your fondness for Wake Me Up can only be explained by the inspiration you drew from my BGSU ice skating story ⛸️

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There is no other explanation, that’s exactly why I voted for it! I feel like “Wake Me Up”’s days are numbered, but we will see! —Keith

P.S. I will pass your kind acceptance of his apology on to Joe, in case he doesn’t see this!

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Aug 16Liked by The 80s-est

Yes, please let him know 😊 I mean everyone is entitled to have a wrong opinion 😉😂

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He has been informed!🤣

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Aug 15Liked by The 80s-est

The thing about the 80s-ness of Automatic is that it is almost *too* 80s. The Pointer Sisters were on of the great 70s groups and so much of their 80s output seems like a record label pushed them to produce slicker 80s sounding records. It just sounds thin to me when you listen to their earlier work.

Somehow the other matchup is two songs with some of the dumbest lyrics of the entire decade, yet both still managed to be pretty good, and memorable, songs. But Sunglasses takes it for me.

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For me, "Automatic" has almost as much 80s production as "Crush on You," but is far less hate-able. But it is interesting, your point (and I think Joe mentioned this, too) how The Pointers could end up just flipping a switch to become THIS different between albums. Too calculated? Perhaps. So did you go with me and vote "Wake Me Up," then? --K

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Aug 15Liked by The 80s-est

Oh yeah, I went with Wham!

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Aug 12Liked by The 80s-est

I realized many things while listerning to this episode: -I've never really paid attention to the lyrics of "Bette Davis Eyes" - I had no idea that "Sunglasses at Night" even existed - George Michael totally trascended Wham! . That being said, my vote goes to George and Kim!

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When we started this podcast, we had no idea that we would be introducing new songs to people! What are your thoughts on "Sunglasses"?

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Aug 12Liked by The 80s-est

It's super 80s! I kind of like it. Of all the regions, "bands" has many songs that I wasn't familar with, and "movies" and "foreigners" are really global categories, most of the songs in them were global hits. It's great to get to know new/old songs, and it also made me appreciate the awesomeness of argentine pop & rock of the eighties!

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Because of you, I now know about the awesomeness of Argentine pop! :D --Keith

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