Aug 21Liked by The 80s-est

Joe feeling saucy today! I'm going with Wham! and Cyndi because those are just such '80s touchstones/juggernauts. I also love both The Glamorous Life and Sunglasses at Night, but for me, they just aren't as '80s as the other two. And I'm now going to spend the rest of my time commenting on "Crush On You." : ) Joe - Our dog Piper would like us to set up a substack account for her . . . so that she can vote for Crush! I personally have voted for Crush each round so far, not because I like the song, or because I want to torture you (or because I want to get back at you for shitting on St. Elmo's fire); but because it is SOOOOOOOO undeniably 80s -- especially when you factor in that ridiculous video. You even admitted it was an incredibly 80s-sounding song. I'm just trying to stay true to the goals here. And to do that, sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for crap.

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My wife makes fun comments! 😂

See, Joe, that's at least three Crush voters (4 if you count Piper) who love you and aren't fucking with you! --Keith

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by The 80s-est

I said it once before, but Girls Just Want to Have Fun - whether you consider it Cyndi's best song or not, and I love so much of her stuff that it's not my favorite - is one of the probably top 2 or 3 ANTHEMS of the 80s. I just think that makes it so much more worthy than The Glamorous Life.

I think the points about Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go being a throwback to something like 50s and 60s music is evidence of its 80s-ness, not a contradiction to it. A lot of 80s music was in response to the overwrought heavy rock of the 70s, and those artists looked back to earlier music for inspiration, in particular soul music (no, I won't get started on that again). So I think that makes Wham! so much more 80s than Corey Hart, who was still trying to do 70s rock with 80s production. Not that I don't like it, despite it's stupid lyrics and over-serious sound, Sunglasses is not a song I skip. Although I'm guessing if the song had come out any later than when I was 13 I would probably hate it.

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The Anthem argument, you heard me trying to articulate in the show, I just danced up to the edge and went back to Sheila, though.

Now, this new discussion you're opening on Wham! is definitely an argument that I was never going to come up with on my own. This is why you should be the one podcasting about music!


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Aug 21Liked by The 80s-est

As noted elsewhere, while "Wake Me..." is certainly a hallmark of the 80's, I think it's most notable qualities are *not* actually very '80s, so "Sunglasses" it is. The other contest is a much closer vote, and it's just really an intangible gut-check for me, and Cyndi has the edge in my mind.

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This felt, for me, like the end of the road for Wham!, but the votes will say if if's time or not. --Keith

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Aug 22Liked by The 80s-est

For what it's worth, your prostate shouldn't pinch. You're thinking of crabs. Source: I play a doc on the internet.

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Told you, Joe!! Just let the tube flow through!! 😂 🦀 🦀 👩‍⚕️

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Aug 22Liked by The 80s-est

Oh, and obviously gotta vote Cyndi, but the other was harder. I think the over-the-top vocals (my throat hurts just listening) and iconic (though perhaps derivative) synth melody gave Sunglasses the edge for me.

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🕶️ 🌙 ✅

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Aug 21Liked by The 80s-est

Great matchups! The international vote goes to Wham and Cyndi, since they strongly represented american and british 80s pop for all of us south american 80s teenagers!

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I wondered if this would be the way you voted, makes sense! Thanks! 🇦🇷

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Aug 21Liked by The 80s-est

I think you will see more voting with experiential ties, likes of songs, and cultural touchstones - as Keith would say - as we get closer to the finals. But, if you could divorce those and the videos from the aims of the 80s-est music production, some of the matchups would be much easier decisions. I would also guess that's partially how "Crush on You" is surviving. Joe - There are other songs in the semis that could, on production value, crush "Crush."

Here, "Sunglasses..." and "Glamorous Life" might better represent the 80s music production. The synth, the guitar, the layered sounds, (ooh, the sax and cello in Glamorous Life - and all that percussion ❤️"), etc. are stronger than the other two. I have all the vinyl, except Cyndi Lauper (agree this is not her best song) and all have a place 80s culture.

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I thank you for further articulating things I am trying to say! --Keith

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