Sep 3Liked by The 80s-est

Another thought, having just mashed the hell out of that "I Melt With You" button: While there are obviously several factors that boost the 80's-ness of "Crush on You," I think it has a kind of bland timelessness: It's got the late '70s family vibes of the Osmonds or the Partridges, but also the syrupy feel of '90s boy bands, or even the likes of Justin Bieber in the 2000s. (You could play "Crush" back-to-back with 2009's "One Time," on a pop station, and nobody would blink.) All of which is to say that Modern English's tune is by far the '80s-er of these two, and I feel Joe's pain just like Jose Mesa blowing a Game 7 save.

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Sep 4Liked by The 80s-est

Jose Mesa. Feh.

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Knowing someone else wrote it, I concede, takes some of the magic out of it. But that's also true of "Don't You Forget About Me."

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Sep 3Liked by The 80s-est

I found Keith's arguments in the podcast too compelling to ignore ... lett's take the Jetts to the finals!

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Appreciate the shout-out. I woke up ashamed that I abandoned the Jets. --Keith

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Sep 6Liked by The 80s-est

I went into this round thinking, "I cannot, in good conscience, vote Crush on You over I Melt With You." Then I listened to that stupid thing again and went, "But Crush is nearly a parody, a caricature of 80s music!" You're right, Keith, the damn thing is like hepatitis A through Zed, in song form.

In the end -- though it may have been the wrong choice -- I went with Melt because of its 80s icon/anthem-ness.

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🤣 🤣 🤣 🦠 🛩️

It's tough to vote such a ridiculous pop song through, over a classic. But damn, The Jets are so effing 80s!!

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Sep 3Liked by The 80s-est

It was fun while it lasted! Even though I wasn´t familiar with "I Melt with you" until this gem of a podcast, I'll give it a vote of confidence. I also think that the finalists in the other regions are far superior, and any of them will be able to crush Modern English in the next round.

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American audiences may disagree but the last two are gonna be brutal to decide no matter who is in.

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Sep 3Liked by The 80s-est

I think it is spot on that I Melt With you was likely put on a lot of mix tapes. I certainly put it on a lot during that era. It was an especially good one to put on a tape you made for a girl you liked.

Don't have much else to add, except if I Melt With You - one of the best 80s anthems, and my #1 seed of the entire 64 - doesn't run away with this matchup then there is no good in the world.

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This is an interesting match up. For all of the negative comments, you still cannot deny the 80s sound that oozes from Crush on You. The bubble-gum, family pop has a place in the field and it was clearly more successful at the time, but if you ask the question does it define the 80s, less so. The overproduction 'sound' was not filling the charts but rather tied to a smaller subset of artists. To represent the more 80s of bands, Modern English fits the bill.

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