Sep 5Liked by The 80s-est

Man, this draw is tough! But in the end, the awesomeness of Annie Lennox will prevail.

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Regardless of the outcome, she's awesome. I think this is gonna be VERRRRY close!

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Sep 5Liked by The 80s-est

You forgot to mention the inspiration for the A-Ha video was the movie “Altered States.” Interesting tidbit. One of my favorite songs and videos ever.

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I didn't forget to mention it! I didn't know it! 😂

I need to check out that movie! Thanks for mentioning it! --Keith

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Sep 8Liked by The 80s-est

I like the rhythm of Sweet Dreams better and it's more recognizable for those of us over 70.

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Welcome, Carole! --Keith

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Sep 8Liked by The 80s-est

Both are good songs, both popular in the 80s,both have stunning videos, but if you look at what song has been nominated and is now preserved in the Library of Congress National Recording Registry Listing, those are songs and albums that most define an era, it's Sweet Dreams. Annie Lennox's vocals, like Cyndi Lauper, really define the 80s pop sound. Note both women have music on the list! And, as I noted before, production is a big part of this 80s-est bracket, and while both good, Dave's work is iconic and sets the stage for others to follow - and had success with the initial release. Check out the list.... https://www.loc.gov/programs/national-recording-preservation-board/recording-registry/complete-national-recording-registry-listing/

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Sep 7Liked by The 80s-est

As much as I want to see a Sweet Dreams vs. Sunglasses matchup (though I'm sure Sweet Dreams would crush that one) or an Annie vs. Cyndi matchup (less sure about how that would go), I waited until the end of the week and voted with the same logic for all matchups this week (which song was more a symbol/icon of the 80s). But that might all be a BS reason to vote for Take on Me, which I never get tired of. So good.

Also, going back to the beginning, Facebook reminded me of this Rockwell cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5m_-pNF_g4 -- no word on whether she's got a version of Obscene Phone Caller too.

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Sep 6Liked by The 80s-est

In case anyone is interested in an earlier version of Take on Me that you guys alluded to in the episode (I don't remember if you guys linked to this before or not), it's on YouTube. Re-recording it was definitely a good idea. This arrangement is good, but not nearly as awesome as the version we all know and love. The lead vocals are way too echo-ey and not forward enough. And the break in the middle is terrible compared to what they eventually came up with. Goes to show what a difference arrangement and production make in a song. and obviously this video is not interesting at all.


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Maybe if Eddie Murphy got a do-over, "Party All the Time" would be a classic, too?


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Sep 10Liked by The 80s-est

Right! So A-Ha had how many do-overs? 😆

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Sep 8Liked by The 80s-est

I knew about, but had forgotten, how it initially sounded. The rework did wonders for sure. I think the production edge still goes to Dave even after the rework.Take away the videos, the look, and I wonder if as many people would define Take on Me as 80s as Sweet Dreams. Hmmm, would the song have grabbed as much a hold without the video - people talk about the video 1st?

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Sep 8Liked by The 80s-est

Fair enough of a question. But I think it's hard to separate song/video when talking about the 80s. Would "Sweet Dreams" have been as big of a song without that image of the badass androgynous Annie? There is a good chance that all popular music would have been very different in the 80s had music videos not been a thing.

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Sep 8Liked by The 80s-est

Both are strong videos, without question, and those help define the artists creatively. I think Annie's voice, though, without the video would stand out from the noise and from the plethora of male Brit pop vocals. Her vocals are more iconic to the 80s, this song established that. Clearly, great performances for both.

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Sep 5Liked by The 80s-est

Well, I get to redeem myself in the eyes of 15-year-old me after voting against A-ha for two rounds in a row. This time I'm all in for them as the much 80s-er of this matchup. Eurythmics are very deservedly a R&R HOF band but Take on Me is much more of an iconic 80s song.

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Sep 5Liked by The 80s-est

Yes, yes, yes. Keith and Joe, it's your show but c'mon. Are you going to talk about what makes a song "more 80s" or just which one you love more?!? Get back to basics, what makes a song "more 80s"?

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Completely fair point. Joe was guilty of this in the "Crush on You" debate ("It SUCKS!") and I was likely guilty of it here. I thought I tried to come up with 80s arguments, but I had also been awake for around 36 hours at the time of recording, so who knows what I said! 😂

Thanks, Chris, for calling us out!! The show premise is what it is for a reason! However, after some sleep, I still think "Take on Me" is more 80s! --Keith

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I think that's where I came down on this decision, too! Your teen self forgives you and is happy to be able to vote for A-ha! --Keith

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